
Make Friends

The trend is your friend. Trading is like swimming. You can swim with the current or against it. In a survival situation, you can swim with the current forever. Outside factors such as water temps, need for food and sleep are another matter, but as for pure swimming ability you could swim with a slow or strong current forever.

Not so with swimming against the current. You will eventually tire and drown. That is an absolute certainty. Unless you find intricate ways to reserve kinetic energy and escape the current’s ravage for periods of respite, you will die. The same concept is true for trading with market direction versus against it. If I only had Rs 10000 for every person I heard say, “I’m a contrarian… I don’t follow the herd” through the past fifteen years, I’d have Rs One Crore for free money right now. Any idea where all those market contrarians are today? Other professions than trading. (more…)

RBI hikes CRR by 75 bps; repo rates untouched


The Reserve Bank of India, in its Monetary Policy review today has hiked the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 75 basis points (bps) to 5.75 per cent, while holding the repo and reverse repo rates steady in line with market expectations.

The CRR hike will be done in two tranches. The first one will be for 50 bps with effect from February 13, 2010, and the balance 25 bps will be effective from February 27, 2010. Eventually, this will drain out Rs 36,000 crore from the system.

Repo rate is the rate at which the banks can borrow money from RBI in order to avoid scarcity of funds.

The move comes on the back of spiraling inflation. Food inflation touched 17.4 per cent for the week ended 16 January 2010, slightly higher than previous week’s 16.81 per cent. Fuel price index rose to 5.7 per cent while primary articles price index touched 14.66 per cent for the week ended 16 January 2010.

A median forecast released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in the pre-policy ‘Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments: Third Quarter Review 2009-10’ yesterday raised the economic growth projection to 6.9 per cent from the 6 per cent projected three months ago.

NIFTY Future :In panic low of 4757 was made and now trading at 4801.My Support and expected target was of 4724-4676 in panic.

-Don’t panic @ lower levels.

-If not breaks 4757 & trades above 4812 with volumes will take to 4845-4856 & there after watch unexpected buying upto 4889-4900 level.

Updated at 11:25/29th Dec/Baroda

NPA on Rise …Think about it !

Finance Ministry expects the gross NPA levels of PSBs to go up substantially in the current fiscal because many restructured accounts of previous years may turn into NPAs this fiscal.

Meanwhile, the gross NPA level of new private sector banks increased to Rs 13,772 crore in end March 2010 from a level of Rs 10,419 crore in end March 2008. The gross NPAs of old private sector banks stood at Rs 3,612 crore in end March 2010, higher than the level of Rs 2,557 crore in end March 2008.

The gross NPA level of PSBs stood at Rs 57,301 crore as of end March 2010, much higher than the level of Rs 39,749 crore in end March 2008.

Per capita income in India is Rs 46,492

Per capita income of Indians grew by 14.5 per cent to Rs 46,492 in 2009-10 from Rs 40,605 in the year-ago period, as per the revised data released by the government today.

 The new per capita income figure estimates on current market prices is over Rs 2,000 more than the previous estimate of Rs 44,345 calculated by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).

Per capita income means earnings of each Indian if the national income is evenly divided among the country’s population at 117 crore.

However, the increase in per capita income was only about 6 per cent in 2009-10 if it is calculated on the prices of 2004-05 prices, which is a better way of comparison and broadly factors inflation.

Per capita income (at 2004-05 prices) stood at Rs 33,731 in FY10 against Rs 31,801 in the previous year, the latest data on national income said.

The size of the economy at current prices rose to Rs 61,33,230 crore in the last fiscal, up 16.1 per cent over Rs 52,82,086 crore in FY’09.

Based on 2004-05 prices, the Indian economy expanded by 8 per cent during the fiscal ended March 2010. This is higher than 6.8 per cent growth in fiscal 2008-09.

The country’s population increased to 117 crore at the end of March 2010, from 115.4 crore in fiscal 2008-09.

Does Failure Motivate you ?

MOTIVATEI’ve been reading a wondeful book by Jerry Stocking titled Laighing with God.In that book the following dilemma is broght up ,and I’m going to rewrite the conversation a little to make it pertinent to trading/investing.

God :Do you want to win without losing ?

Trader :Of course.

God :If you win ,you must lose as well.But you weren’t honest with me.Your saud that you’d like to just win.If that were the case ,you’d win much  more often.

The possibility of failure motivates you much more than the possibility of success.your whole society thrices on failure  or at least the fear of lossing.If there were not the possibility of losing you could not take any credit for success.Making money in the markets would seen meaningless for you. (more…)

Major Setback for Tea Industry ?



Ending India’s push for endosulfan

The tea industry will suffer a major setback following a global ban on Endosulfan — a pesticide that is widely used in growing the crop. Endosulfan is set to be banned worldwide after the signing of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, or the POPs, treaty in Geneva in mid-October.

The ban on Endosulfan may lead to a fall in exports to some European countries, which now accept tea containing the pesticide within a maximum residuary limit.
India exported 203 million kg tea worth Rs 2,393 crore in 2008, of which almost 30 million kg were shipped to the European countries. (more…)

Insider Trading in UTTAM GALVA STEEL ?


Today morning just read this NEWS :ArcelorMittal gets in through Uttam Galva

Uttam Galva, in a late evening notice to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), announced that it will allow ArcelorMittal to acquire shares in the company through an open offer.
At the first stage, Lakhmi Mittal-owned ArcelorMittal will purchase a 5% stake for Rs69.6 crore at Rs120 a share.
Subsequently, the Mittals will make an open offer to purchase a 30% stake at the same price paid to the promoters for the 5% stake, valuing the company at Rs1,384.3 crore.
This is Daily chart of UTTAM STEEL.
Just see the movement of the stock from Rs.53 on 11th August and on Friday it closed at 113.95 level.
My question to Readers ,Traders ,STOCK EXCHANGE and SEBI is ….The annoucement of stake sale or picking of stake by Arcelor Mittal was decided on Friday (4th September) or talks were going on since last 1-2 months ??
-Who were knowing about this Deal ?
-Who bought these shares ??
-Do u not think Insiders in India are minting money and people close to Company circle ??
-Just small thought ….if possible comment ………Jai Ho !!
Updated at 18:52/5th Sept/Baroda

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