The trend is your friend. Trading is like swimming. You can swim with the current or against it. In a survival situation, you can swim with the current forever. Outside factors such as water temps, need for food and sleep are another matter, but as for pure swimming ability you could swim with a slow or strong current forever.
Not so with swimming against the current. You will eventually tire and drown. That is an absolute certainty. Unless you find intricate ways to reserve kinetic energy and escape the current’s ravage for periods of respite, you will die. The same concept is true for trading with market direction versus against it. If I only had Rs 10000 for every person I heard say, “I’m a contrarian… I don’t follow the herd” through the past fifteen years, I’d have Rs One Crore for free money right now. Any idea where all those market contrarians are today? Other professions than trading. (more…)