
Is Trading All About Luck? -#AnirudhSethi

Luck Isn't Part of Trading. Here are 3 Things That Count - Desire To TradeYou trade stocks to make money, but is trading a game of luck? Is it possible to become successful in the markets without risking your life savings or being lucky? Is there a way that you can always know what stocks will do well and when they will peak? Is there a way that you can predict the future of the market and come out on top every time?

The answer is yes. Trading isn’t just about luck because with careful research, timing, and discipline anyone can be successful in this field.

The best traders are those who have the ability to take their losses and make a profit from them. Is trading all about luck? Well, yes and no! Yes in that there is always an element of chance when it comes to trade because you don’t know what’s going to happen next but at the same time: No because people can work out how they will be able to make the most with whatever happens.

– What makes successful traders different from unsuccessful ones?:

They’re more likely to find success by being prepared for any situation than by hoping things go well. The book states “Successful traders are not smarter or better informed than others; rather, they simply operate on less emotional information.” This means successful traders learn where they will be wrong and adjust their trades accordingly.

– What are some things successful traders do?: (more…)

Neuroplasticity: Your Brain and Your Trading – #AnirudhSethi

Ibogaine's Unique Impact on NeuroplasticityIn Neuroplasticity: Your Brain and Your Trading, we will explore how Neuroplasticity can help traders create a more accurate trading system. Neuroplastic is the ability of your brain to adapt to its surroundings and change through experience. Neuroplasticity is an exciting new area of research in which scientists are studying the ways that our brains change over time with various types of input.

Mental training has been shown to be a powerful tool in improving performance on tasks from memory recall, math calculations, motor skills, creativity, decision-making, and many others. Neuroscientists have found that mental training increases gray matter volume in specific areas of the brain responsible for those skills.

##What is neuroplasticity and how does it affect trading?:

In the world of neuroscience, babies are like sponges. They process data twice as fast and their brain is still developing due to new neural connections that form in response to stimuli. The thing about brains—they can adapt! Imagine what it would be like if your left speech center was damaged after an accident or stroke; you could learn how to use your right side instead because they’re always adapting with time (talk about a tough feat).

Your brain is more awesome than we even thought: not only does it have all this processing power but also some cells called “mirror neurons” which help us understand other people’s actions by simulating them ourselves–in short, mirror neurons make imitation easy for our children while giving adults empathy skill. (more…)

Emotions, Decisions, and Discipline in trading – #AnirudhSethi

GoodTherapy | EmotionThe Emotions, Decisions, and Discipline in the trading blog post will be a comprehensive guide to help traders learn how to use their emotions intelligently and make disciplined decisions.

We will cover topics like Emotional control; Decision-making processes for trade management; Trade discipline; Psychology of trading and more.

To get the most out of this article you should have some understanding about Forex Trading strategies already, but don’t worry if you are totally new we’ll also introduce some basics!

##The emotions of trading:

– Emotions can cause problems in trading. Emotionless trading is the best way to avoid these issues.

– Emotional traders are more prone to overtrade and make rash decisions when they trade.

– Emotional traders often take risks that don’t have much of a payoff, which leads them into more debt than others would get into.

– Emotions also lead people to be irrational about their trades because they’re not thinking logically; instead, they’re reacting impulsively based on what’s going on with them at the moment.

– Emotions can also lead to a lot of stress for the trader, which leads them into bad habits like procrastination and sleeping too much.

– Emotions are an issue because they affect discipline; without it, traders will find themselves losing trades more often than not.

– Emotions are also an issue because they affect the trader’s ability to make good decisions: traders will often feel pressure when things go badly, which leads them into making bad trades.

What can you do about your emotions? Emotional trading is something that almost everyone deals with at some point or another, but it can be overcome by following these steps:

– Keeping a journal of how you’re feeling and what you’re doing as well as why; will help give insight into where emotional triggers might be coming from.

– Eliminating external stressors in one’s life by not taking care of other people’s problems, working too much, spending time worrying constantly about things outside of their control.

– Identifying and understanding the emotions that trigger a trader’s emotional trading.

– Setting up rules for what to do when an emotion is triggered, like taking breaks or not opening any trades.

– Working on strategies for how to deal with negative feelings rather than overreacting or avoiding them altogether.

It may take time and effort to overcome this problem completely but it will pay off in the long run; by dealing with your emotions now you’ll avoid some of the issues other traders experience because of their own Emotions. (more…)

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