
Why we need to go back to Mars

Planetary scientist Joel Levine shows some intriguing — and puzzling — new discoveries about Mars: craters full of ice, traces of ancient oceans, and compelling hints at the presence, sometime in the past, of life. He makes the case for going back to Mars to find out more.

Taken These Pictures -As Trading Addict :It's Confirm These Two Animals Never Earn From Trading.

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Only 5% Traders will earn from this Market————Can write on Stamp Paper of Any State.

Don’t waste your time ,money & energy :If u Don’t have Money ,Method ,Mind.

Don’t have Deep Pockets…………..Don’t Trade at all.

Don’t Waste Time watching Blue channels-Fundamentals -Growth Story :Everything is controlled by Corrupt Corporate houses or Fiis.

Trading in 1-2-5 lots ,Not having money in Bank and shouting whole day on whatsapp/Twitter/Facebook………..U will not get anything in life.

Technically Yours/ASR TEAM/BARODA

10 Trading Principles of George Soros

george_soros“I’m only rich because I know when I’m wrong…I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes.”

Understanding that he was not always right enabled him to cut losses short and position size right.

“My approach works not by making valid predictions but by allowing me to correct false ones.”

Soros’ is flexible in his trades, he changes his mind and reverses positions when needed. He does not marry his trades.

“It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.”

George Soros knows that the key to profitability for him is more about big wins and small losses than his winning percentage. 

“The markets are always on the side of exuberance or fear. It’s fear and greed. Right now greed has the better of it, which is rather nice (for investors) as long as it doesn’t get out of hand,”

Market trends are caused more by the extremes of  investors emotions than fundamental reasons. (more…)

Conventional Wisdom

conventional_wisdom_2Conventional wisdom is defined as: the generally accepted belief, opinion, judgment, or prediction about a particular matter.

Conventional wisdom is almost universally agreed upon by everyone that it rarely gets questioned, even if sometimes the belief isn’t really true.

The conventional wisdom with regards to investing is to buy and hold great companies for long periods of time so that your portfolio compounds with capital appreciation and dividend re-investment.  This approach has strong validity and is best exemplified by Warren Buffett.  He has the long term returns to prove it.

But it may not be for everybody, or else everyone would have invested like Warren Buffett.  Very few have the right skill set to buy-and-hold and be successful like Buffett, or be successful for decades.

In short term trading, the conventional wisdom is enter stocks at pivot points, trade small and cut your losses and let your gains run, and use risk and money management.  Very few can succeed with the short term trading approach, due to lack of skillset or lack of discipline.  Also, in the short term, the market fluctuates too much so that stoplosses get frequently hit.  Even if successful, it is doubtful many can beat the returns of buy-and-hold investors in the long run.

Another conventional wisdom is that in order to get bigger returns, one has to dramatically increase risk.  Like getting into leverage instruments such as options, futures and penny stocks.  Very few can succeed long term via this route, mainly due to the extreme risk factor.  

One can go through a lifetime or even several lifetimes and still cannot get through the stock market dilemma and confusion.  For many people, only through a paradigm shift in thinking and approach can they increase their chances of  market success.

A paradigm shift is a change in accepted theories, opinions or approaches, a step above and beyond, and is almost always better than the conventional wisdom.  That’s why it’s called a paradigm shift.
The question is:

Is there such a paradigm-shifting stock market approach out there?

Trading Strategy for Nifty Future -11th March’10

There are typically three stages an investor goes through before they become successful. Building discipline starts with an understanding of these points:

  1. Easy Money: The first stage involves thinking there is easy money to be made. This is the thinking of a newbie. Often, after a big stock tip gone wrong or a couple great broker recommendations that lose serious money, you enter the second stage.
  2. I need a plan: The second stage begins when an investor or trader decides a plan is needed to win. The problems begin when the search for a plan becomes a search for the Holy Grail. And we all know there is no Holy Grail. What is needed is more than just a “system”. What is needed is you following the system. This leads to stage three.
  3. I’m responsible for my success: Stage three comes when the investor or trader realizes that success comes from inside the person, not outside. To achieve true success you must understand the market is not responsible, you are. There is no one to blame or compliment but yourself when it comes to trading. So find a solid plan and follow it.

5144 & 5184 are Hurdles.

From last two days if u had seen (Iam writing not in Braille )3&7 DEMA will act as support levels.

*From last two days kissing 3 DEMA and taking sharp U-turn.

Now crucial support at 5106 ,5090 level.If breaks 5090 with volumes will take to 5058-5036 level.

*Hurdle at 5148-5161.Crossover will take to 5190-5200 in Intraday trade.

*Higher it is moving…More Dangerous sign.

-Trade with eye open

-Always read twice the levels mentioned.

I will update more During trading hrs to our SUBSCIBERS.

Updated at 7:57/11th March/Baroda

Maintain a healthy balance between risk and reward

Let me give you an example: If you go to a casino and bet everything you have on “red”, then you have a 49% chance of doubling your money and a 51% chance of losing everything. The same applies to trading: You can make a lot of money if you are risking a lot, but then risk of ruin is very high. You need to find a healthy balance between risk and reward.

Let’s say you define “ruin” as losing 20% of your account, and you define “success” as making 20% profits. Having a trading system with past performance results let you calculate the “risk of ruin” and “chance of success”.

Your risk of ruin should be always less than 5%, and your chance of success should be 5-10 times higher, e.g. if your risk of ruin is 4%, then your chance of success should be 40% or higher.

6 Types of Traders

  • Pretrader. Everything is new at this stage, and everything is difficult. This is the point where the trader is learning the very basics of charting and of market structure and is also just starting to explore the marketplace.
  • Novice trader. At this stage, traders are not trading to make money; they are trading for experience and to begin to deal with the emotional challenges of trading. One of the main signs of progress in this stage is that the trader will start lose money more slowly than before—still losing, but losing less often and less consistently.
  • Early competent trader. The first step toward making money is to stop losing money. A trader whose wins and losses balance out (before commissions) has taken the first steps to competence. (At this stage, the trader is still losing money due to transaction costs and other fees.)
  • Competent trader. The first stage of real competence is achieved when the trader is able to cover transaction costs with trading profits. Reaching this stage may take a year and a half to two years, or more. Consider this carefully—two years into the journey a realistic expectation is to finally have accomplished the goal of being able to pay for your transaction costs. This may not seem like much, but very few individual traders ever survive to this stage.
  • Proficient trader. Here the trader starts making money. Errors and mistakes are far less frequent, but, when they do happen, they are corrected and reviewed, and the lessons are quickly assimilated. The trader has been exposed to the stressors of trading so many times that they have now lost most of their emotional charge and is able to approach the markets in an open, receptive state. As competence grows, the trader can look to manage more money; developing the skills of trading larger size and risk becomes a focus.
  • Experienced trader. It is difficult to imagine a trader becoming a true veteran without living through a complete bull/bear market cycle—about a decade in most cases. This trader has finally seen it all and has also become cognizant of the unknown and unknowable risks that accompany all market activity. It is possible for developing traders to gain much of this veteran trader’s knowledge through study at earlier stages of development, but there is no substitute for experience and seeing events unfold in the market in real time.
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