Risk Intelligence is a special kind of intelligence for dealing with risk and uncertainty. It doesn’t correlate with IQ, and most psychologists failed to spot it because it is found in such a disparate, rag-tag group of people – American weather-forecasters, professional gamblers, and hedge-fund managers, for example.
Dylan Evans PhD, and former senior lecturer in Behavioural Science in the School of Medicine at University of Cork, has written about his work in researching risk intelligence in ‘Risk Intelligence – How to Live with Uncertainty‘. Evans asserts that people in positions which require high risk intelligence – doctors, financial regulators and bankers, for instance – seem unable to navigate what Evans calls the “darkened room”, the domain of doubt and uncertainty.
Risk Intelligence is a traveller’s guide to the twilight zone of probabilities and speculation. Evans shows us how risk intelligence is vital to making good decisions, from dealing with climate change to combating terrorism. He argues that we can all learn a lot from expert gamblers, not just about money, but about how to make decisions in all aspects of our lives.
I read it once, and re-read it a second time. It is in my opinion, the best, yet least known book, on behavioural finance.