- They risk too much to try to make so little.
- They trade with the probabilities against them.
- They think trading is easy money.
- Instead of focusing on learning how to trade they focus on getting rich.
- They blow up due to improper position sizing.
- With no understanding of the mathematical risk of ruin they are doomed after the first long string of losing trades.
- Blindly following a guru that leads them down the road of destruction.
- They don’t do their homework.
- They trade opinions not robust systems.
- They go looking for ‘trades’ instead of a methodology.
- They have no trading plan.
- They attempt to piggy back on the trades another trader but don’t understand the risks.
- Most new traders quit when they realized how much work is involved in trading successfully.
- Most traders quit when they learn how many losing trades they will have to have to get to the winners.
- New traders quit if they do not have a passion for trading itself.
- Many new traders will give up the moment they realize that trading does not have guaranteed income, you are an entrepreneur.
- They are not willing to pay the tuition to learn to trade in time, study, and losing trades.
- They are crushed by the learning curve that they do not work hard enough to get through.
- We lose a lot of new traders when they realize that trading is actually harder than their job.
- The traders that don’t make it quit when they were tired, frustrated, and stressed out, the winning traders quit after they had figured trading out.